The Salt and Dust of the Aral Sea – A Crisis Turning Central Asia into a Second Sahara 🌍💨

Once a thriving hub of biodiversity and maritime activity, the Aral Sea in Central Asia has transformed into a vast desert called Aralkum. This ecological disaster threatens to turn the region into a second Sahara Desert, affecting millions of people and ecosystems.

🔎 What Happened to the Aral Sea?

The desiccation of the Aral Sea began in the early 20th century, driven by extensive irrigation for cotton farming. The Soviet government's efforts to supply Russia’s textile industry with cotton led to the diversion of water from the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers, which were the Aral Sea's primary inflows.

Between 1976 and 1990, over 11.88 billion tons of salt were released into the atmosphere as the sea dried up. This process continues today, releasing 10 million tons of salt annually, spreading across vast areas and reducing rainfall.

💡 Why It Matters Today

The drying of the Aral Sea poses severe threats:

  • Reduced precipitation in nearby regions.
  • Increased salinity in the soil, making agriculture difficult.
  • Airborne salt and dust particles affecting air quality and public health.

If immediate action isn't taken, Central Asia may become a desert similar to the Sahara, with devastating impacts on livelihoods and ecosystems.

🌱 Proposed Solution

The restoration of the Aral Sea requires diverting 25-50 km³ of water annually from Siberian rivers to replenish its water levels. Collaborative efforts between Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and international organizations are essential to prevent further ecological disasters.

📖 Read the Full Study:

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