Into the Depths: Dice Snake’s Record Dive in Lake Orta


The dice snake (Natrix tessellata) has set a remarkable diving record in Lake Orta, Italy. Known for living close to water, these freshwater snakes typically remain near shorelines, rarely diving deep. However, recent observations by divers have recorded dice snakes at depths of up to 17 meters, including areas below the lake’s thermocline, a zone that typically separates warmer surface water from colder, deeper water.

This discovery, facilitated by a Citizen Science initiative in partnership with the Deep Green Divers Association, has expanded our understanding of dice snake behaviors. Divers were trained to identify and record dice snake sightings, noting details like location, depth, and temperature. The recorded sightings reveal that dice snakes may dive deeper than previously known, possibly for reasons beyond feeding, such as thermoregulation.

These findings open new avenues for research on the adaptive behaviors of Natrix tessellata in freshwater environments, especially in light of climate change. Rising temperatures may push both fish and snakes to deeper, cooler waters. This Citizen Science project highlights the value of volunteer contributions in expanding our ecological knowledge and fostering a deeper respect for aquatic biodiversity.

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